Saturday, September 15, 2012

Recap on my first week of Yearcourse!!!

WOW... that is all I can say now that my first real week here in Israel has come to a close... this week has been full of ups and downs and I can't say truthfully that I have not felt homesick. But, I know that I am still getting accustomed to everything here and that eventually I will know exactly where to go for any situation from shopping to clubbing.

Throughout the whole week I have been working at the elementary school three days a week and at the middle/high school two days a week! It has been so fun to work with these kids and teach them English. When I tell them I'm from California, their eyes go wide in jealousy and immediately make me tell them all about America! So adorable!!! Unfortunately not all my "students" are easy to deal with I have to teach fourteen year olds the alphabet and most of the kids at that age don't really care what I have to say. But on the other side my seventh graders hug me everyday that I see them and always tell me how happy they are to see me. An amazing perk to my job is that school gets out at 1:30 here because sunday is not a weekend day here!!!!! I love being done so early in the day because that way I get to make lunch and nap for a long day ahead.

This past few weeks have been hard because I don't get along with my current roommates and the ones I did like went to Haifa to work in a youth village. My friend from home Sarah was volunteering at an army base for the week and I almost cried when she came home because I missed her so much. The whole week I would stay away from my apartment and eat dinner with my friends at their places. I a, currently in the process of apartment switching because I told my madrichim that a switch MUST be made....

To be honest I am completely unimpressed with the staffing I have not felt comforted by any mad rich or other staff member on year course. I know what it takes to be a counselor because I have worked at a sleep away camp for two summers now.. you must have a little thing called EMPATHY. Safe to say the madrichim here don't. Sorry just had to vent a little bit.

Now that the week has come to a close all of the kids on year course have a break for Shabbat and Rosh Hashannah. On Thursday my friends and I missed out on an awesome opportunity to take a party bus to Tel Aviv because logistically it couldn't work out for us. I am a little upset that I missed out but I don't want to have regrets. I still had a lot of fun that night in Arad with all my girls :) Currently my friend Sarah and  are in Netanya at my grandparents house! This makes me feel like I really am in Israel!!!!! My grandparents have been feeding us and spoiling us :) I also got to see really close family friends and one of my cousins took me and Sarah out to a night in Tel Aviv!! We went to this nightclub with tons of "Arsim" (creeps) but whatever it was still a really amazing place!!!!! Lets hope that tonight and the rest of my weekend here in Netanya is just as fun!!!


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