Saturday, December 8, 2012

Siyur to an IDF Base and The Air-force Museum!

This past Thursday we took a trip to visit a real IDF base and the Air Force Museum as our last siyur during our time in Arad. We went to go visit a base that serves for basic training so all of the soldiers had just arrived about two weeks prior. Some of the commanders on the base were American so they spoke to us about their time in the army and talked about making Aliyah and how they got to be where they are standing right now. I was very interested when the girls spoke because they talked about the different jobs that women in the army do (not EVERY job in the army means you go and fight). For example there was a girl who worked as a spokesperson for the "Nahal" brigade. She works with the press and with social networks to get the correct information to the public. So cool!

Than we went to this room with a huge screen and shot M-4 that had a laser inside. Definitely not as cool as shooting a real gun (my friends who did marva learned to shoot a real M-16), but still fun!

After that, we went to go look around and see where the soldiers lived (in tents). I felt so weird walking around with my sunglasses and my camera while these guys are working their butts off in basic training. I could hear them talking about us in Hebrew and saying how we're probably on Birthright (biggest insult). Safe to say it was super uncomfortable but still cool to see a real base.

Next stop was the IDF's Air Force Museum!!!
Very cool to visit this place especially since the Air Force is very important in my family. My dad was a commander and my mom was a photographer in the Air Force!

Plane with the "remove before flight" tags

seat in a plane that ejects in case of danger

plane that has struck down 13 targets

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