Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sikkum of Jerusalem and Changeover

And just like that, another semester has come and gone.... The time has come for section 3 to leave Jerusalem and move to Bat Yam! I have had an absolutely INCREDIBLE time here in Jerusalem. I lived in an awesome apartment with fourteen other girls and spent my days learning very interesting topics such as Israel Advocacy, Hebrew and Jewish Art to name a few. I have even already heard back from my three of my teachers that I got As in their classes!
Every wednesday, my friends and I had free afternoons to explore Jerusalem and we did just that going to cool museums and shops in the area. We all fell in love with downtown Jerusalem (Ben Yehuda) and the Old City of course (the original OC).
My time in Jerusalem was so special. I consider myself so lucky to be given this opportunity to live in a city that is so holy to so many people and religions. I had a class that took us on a trip every week to places in Jerusalem like the Temple Mount and The City of David.
It's sad to say that now we only have three months left of Yearcourse... But that just means that they are going to be filled with fun in the sun (because I'm living on the beach hehe). My goals for the next semester in sunny Bat Yam are: go to the beach three times a week, TRAVEL, become close to the Tzofim scouts that are living with us and take advantage of Bat Yam's prime location. I will literally be living right next to Tel Aviv!!!!!!
Oh Jerusalem if I forget you........
Changeover started out at IDC University in Herziliya. There, all of Yearcourse participated in an orientation that was basically a brainwashing session to get us to stay in Israel. We had different universities present to us as well as Garin Tzabar (the lone soldier program) and reps from the Jewish Agency to talk to us about Aliyah (moving to Israel). Very interesting day ;) IDC is absolutely gorgeous. Then, we stayed at a hostel in a Druze villiage called "Pequin". We filled up the entire place!!! We just got the night to chill and make new friends from other sections. It was a really fun and chill night!
The next morning, my section and I went on a beautiful hike in the north at Mount Mermon. In Bat Yam, my section lives with Israelis our age that are on our program through the Israeli Scouts (Tzofim) and they joined us on the hike!!! The hike was so fun and so beautiful!!! I made a goal to myself to meet all of the scouts by the end and I did it! They are all so fun and sweet and I'm excited for the next three months with them :)

SO stoked for the next three months of volunteerin, beach bummin, traveling and partying in Tel Aviv!!!!! Yay Bat Yam!

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