Monday, February 11, 2013

My time with Ema!

Right after the Holocaust seminar ended, I took a train to Netanya to go see my mom!!!!! Once I got to the train station at Netanya, my mom appeared out of nowhere! This was the first time I've seen her in five whole months! We spent the first night just hanging out and just being happy in each other's presence. The next day was pouring rain so we couldn't really go anywhere :( but I went to get a haircut and then we had a mother daughter shopping day :) The whole weekend was filled with going to see friends and shopping.

Unfortunately, because of the rain there just wasn't a lot that we could do. On Saturday night, I went home and then the next day my mom came to Jerusalem! My film teacher personally called me over the weekend to invite my mom to class so she came to have lunch with me and then come to class to watch a movie called Next Stop Greenwich Village. Interesting movie to say the least. Later that night my mom took my friends and I out to dinner on Ben Yehuda which was really fun and we shared 20 shekel pizza pies!

The next day after my siyur (which I'm not blogging about because it just wasn't that interesting), I went to see my mom in Tel Aviv and we went to dinner at the famous chocolate restaurant Max Brener. It was so delicious we had a chocolate souffle with a mini milkshake and some ice cream. I need to back there with my friends and get the  chocolate martini!!!!!

On Thursday I went to Tel Aviv to meet up with my mom and her friend from the army, Nava in Tel Aviv for dinner. We went to a delicious hamburger restaurant on the marina. It was a very nice and relaxing night after that we just went back to Netanya.

On Friday morning my mom and I walked around the beautiful boardwalk in Tel Aviv and then went to Jaffa (again with Nava). This was my first time in Jaffa during yearcourse. It's also a very beautiful port and there's a shuk with touristy things and good food. Later that day my mom and I met up with two of my mom's friends from high school and went to lunch at a delicious seafood restaurant (finally shrimp in Israel!!!). I love the fact that my mom's friends treat me like family it's an amazing quality that Israelis have. Then we had a lovely shabbat dinner with my grandparents.

On Saturday we went to Caesaria! It's a beautiful national park on the beach with ancient ruins from when the Romans controlloed this area, The place is absolutely gorgeous and we were there just as the sun was going down!!!

Another great thing was that I received the news that I was accepted to the University of Arizona while with my mom!!!

I'm also so happy that the weather was so amazing this weekend because the previous one was just horrible.

So my mom leaves today (Monday) and we spent the day in Herzeliya shopping and walking around the marina and the beach before she leaves.

I'm so grateful that she came. We had so much fun and I really missed her. I love you mom!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Edden, this is so nice! I was having a dull day and this completely changed my thoughts. I had a great time visiting with you, as a grown up, all these places that we had before. My friends treat you like family because they are great and true friends and you are my family, therefore theirs as well. Cheers to family and good old friends! May they be blessed!
    Soon you will spend time with Aba and it will be as nice and as exciting! Love you and miss you already, but I know that you are doing the right thing for you. Be blessed, your loving Ema
