Wednesday, February 13, 2013

This Week's Adventure!

Yearcourse Lockdown: On Sunday, my ulpan class and I were invited to our teacher's house for dinner and there we also watched a few episodes of  "Srugim" which is a Hebrew TV show that we watch in class. So that night we had a program before the dinner about our volunteering in Bat Yam (yes we are starting to prepare for Bat Yam which means yearcourse is 2/3 over with already!!!!). After the program, our section leader told us to go straight to one of the classrooms and wait for further instructions. We thought there was going to be some sort of surprise party for our other leader due to the fact that his wife just had a baby. Boy were we wrong!!!! Apparently some items were stolen and we had to wait in these classrooms until they checked every apartment until they found it. Also, everyone had to give up their alcohol ahead of time in order to not get in trouble (I'm a good girl and don't have alcohol in my apartment hehe). My class was allowed to leave in order to go to the dinner Baruch Hashem. We watched a few episodes and played a few games. Two hours later we were getting ready to leave only to find out that the staff was only halfway through the apartments!!!! What the hell?! So we stayed at a coffee shop until it closed and arrived to Beit Ar El just as everyone else was allowed to go back to their apartments. The item that was "stolen" was actually just lost in the owner's room and the whole thing just turned into one huge alcohol search (one apartment had 14 bottles confiscated). Thank God I got out of the lockdown! Esther for the win ;)

Jerusalem vs. Herzeliya BBall Game: On Monday after I said bye to my mom, my section and I went to a basketball game in Jerusalem!!! We all wore red to support Jerusalem and sat in the worst seats with a bunch of Orthodox children. The game itself was not that enticing to watch because the players kind of sucked, but it was fun to be with my friends. And Jerusalem won!!!

Yellow Submarine: On Tuesday, a few friends and I went to this bar called The Yellow Submarine. On Tuesdays, they have free jazz nights and we've been wanting to go all semester!!! The lady singing and the band were absolutely incredible, I'm happy that I went :)

Wednesday Adventure: Wednesdays are our free days so I went with Sarah and Gal to the Jewish Quarter. Sarah and I went to Hadaya jewelry and I bought a ring that says the quote, "In order to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down" in Hebrew!!! I'm so excited to pick it up on Friday!!! Then we all went to this BEAUTIFUL overlook that shows all of Jerusalem. Seriously, Jerusalem is becoming my favorite city in the world. It is the most beautiful place with such breathtaking views. I really love this place, I don't wanna leave!!!!!!!

Everyday this week so far has been an adventure! Lovin Yearcourse!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like another great week Edden! You are right, Jerusalem is indeed special and the views are incredible. I am so happy that you are experiencing this with your own eyes and with your friends. Enjoy and BTW, I love the quote on the ring, really extra special
