Thursday, April 18, 2013

My overnight with the Scouts!

On my program, there are Israeli kids who only live in Bat Yam. They are part of a youth movement called the "Tzofim" (Israel Scouts). They are all really great kids and it is super difficult to get chosen to this program (they are the best of the best).  A few of them had to go to a seminar for the Scouts that are going to America this summer. This delegation is split up into two groups: the counselors and the Caravan! The counselors go to different Jewish camps across America and work with the kids and the Caravan is a group that travels America singing songs about Israel. My camp, JCA Shalom has scout counselors and the Caravan every summer!!!! The Caravan is easily my favorite night of camp hehehe. 
As a favor to my friends, I went to help out for one night. My job was to be an American. I could only talk to them in English and they practiced programming on me and asked me questions about American camps and the campers. It was very fun for me to pretend that I don't speak Hebrew. I got to eavesdrop on their conversations about me. Apparently they thought that I thought that they were really weird. I didn't!!!! They were all super sweet and made it so fun! That night, the Caravan performed for us and that was sooooo exciting!!!! I'm a Caravan Super Fan! Before I left the next morning, I informed my group that I speak Hebrew fluently. Their jaws dropped!! Some claimed they knew but I doubt it. Every single person who hears me speak Hebrew for the first time is completely shocked. It was fun tricking them for a while though ;)
I'm really excited for these kids and hope that they have a fantastic summer!

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