Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Siyur to the BEAUTIFULLLLLLL Kineret!!

So after weeks of being sick and staying home watching T.V online (not how I wanted to spend my last week of break and first full week in Bat Yam), I have started to feel better and I got to go on a beautiful hike with my section!  Now that we're in Bat Yam, we take a course on Zionism and our first siyur was up North to go visit the Kineret (Sea of Galilee).  This is linked to Zionism because the first Aliyahs were to this area and this is where the first Kibutzim were established.
We visited the most beautiful cemetery called the Kineret Cemetery. It is overlooking the water and is home to the graves of many famous Zionists such as Berl Katznelson and Naomi Shemer (writer of Jerusalem Shel Zahav).

After we learned about all of these amazing Zionists and how hard they worked to make this land ours, we hiked the gorgeous Mount Arbel. We took in the amazing scenery and just appreciated the views in front of us!!!

an ancient castle built by King Herrod:

Israel, you're pretty.

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