Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Break with ABBA!

For the most part of spring break my dad came to visit me!!! YAY :)
He came the same day I got back from Poland and after I showered and rested, I came to surprise him at the airport. Waiting at the greeting area is actually so fun. I loved seeing so many people reuniting with their loved ones. And when I saw my dad and ran up to him, I'm sure that someone else who was waiting also smiled when they saw our reunion.
Our first day of adventure was our bike ride in the north!!! During my first day of break, we went and rented bikes and had an amazing day riding around "Alonei Abba" and "Beit Lechem Haglilit". These are both residential areas that are also full of beautiful wildlife. For example, we went biking in a nature reserve and in there we saw cows, horses, sheep and goats.

Next we rode next to a reservoir which was beautiful! I think because of the weather, there was a lot of mud and my dad tried to ride right through it! Well..... he ended up falling and his hand went straight into the mud. I literally almost peed my pants.

After this we reached an area where these communities called "Moshavim" have their industry. They have cows for milk, they make olive oil and delicious honey. We also went to an organic farm where you can pick fruits and vegetables for a small price. Such a cute idea!!!

The next day, my dad and I went towards Jerusalem with a college friend of his and visited the "Moshavim" there. We visited a town that is populated by Israelis and Arabs called Neve Shalom. We drove the car trails that are definitely not meant for cars and my dad was dying to get back on the bike (I wasn't my butt was still hurting from the previous day). We visited a beautiful monastery and had a delicious lunch in the Arab village of Abu Ghosh!

And if you think that those two days were jam packed, Sunday we went all the way to Arad!! My dad didn't want to drive so we took a train and it took forever!!!! We left the house at 11 and got to Arad at 2:30..... When we arrived, we ate at Muza (the only good restaurant in Arad) and my dad got to meet Rafi. Rafi was the teacher who I worked with at the middle school that I volunteered at. We had a very nice lunch and then Rafi showed my dad all around the city and even took us to a few places that I had never been to. Being back made me so happy!! Arad will always have a special place in my heart <3

Before Passover started, my Dad and I squeezed in another bike ride with two of my parents' best friends. We started in Northern Tel Aviv and rode our bikes all the way to Jaffa and back! Along the way we stopped for some beer and chips and of course stopped to take in the view and take some pictures. Although I was alone with three geezers, it was still fun ;)

That night was Passover seder at my aunt's house! Although I wish that my mom and brother could have been there, I had a lovely time. I was exhausted from the trip earlier, but I had a nice time with my family and was happy to have my dad there with me.

So in just a few days, my dad and I traveled in the north, center and south of Israel! Not bad! :)
Also, after eighteen years, my dad took me shopping for clothes for the first time hehe.
I am so happy to have had this one on one time with my dad and it really made me realize what a cool guy he is! Love you Dad!!! Miss you already <3

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