Sunday, March 10, 2013

First Week of Bat Yam: the final semester

I still cannot believe that we are already into the final semester of Yearcourse. Is it bad that I don't want summer to come? But the weather in Israel has officially become nice! It's transitioning to spring just as I move to the beach (so perfect).
When we arrived to Bat Yam, I unpacked in my new apartment with my three best friends. And yes, I did move from a 15 girl apartment to four girls. We had dinner together as a section with the scouts and got to know each other a little bit more.
The next day, we traveled Bat Yam getting to know the city a little bit more and hung out with the scouts of course. That night we went out in Tel Aviv with the scouts for the first time and it was so fun!!!! One of the scouts lives right next to my grandparents and I'm so excited to hang out with her whenever I go visit family :)
The next day was a day completely committed to getting to know the scouts. We went to a park and did the cliche bonding activities like the human knot. Such a fun day! And at night, the scouts took us to a party at a Kibbutz. I have been looking forward to going to one all of Yearcourse! The party was so fun and creep-free!!!! All of the people that were there were "kibbutzniks" and guys out of the army. Also a band called "Hatikvah 6" performed and I recognized a song!! Big accomplishment I felt so Israeli. Such an awesome night with our new Israeli friends!

For the weekend we had an optional Shabbat Byachad with the scouts :) on Friday morning they took us to a famous Shakshuka restaurant called Dr. Shakshuka. So delicious!! Then we hung out in Yaffo and I saw scouts that are part of the friendship caravan filming videos for this summer!!! The caravan is a group of scouts that come to American sleep away camps and perform songs about Israel (my favorite night of camp). And then we had a potluck dinner with the whole section that night (not enough food sadly). Lastly was bowling!!!!!!!

Saturday was a beach bum day. My whole section chilled at the beach all day and it was so fun! Then we all went to a bar in Yaffo for our last night together before Special Interest Week. For this upcoming week I am going to Poland with yearcourse while some of my friends are going to
Ethiopia, Yeshiva, or volunteering at an army base.

Goodbye Israel and Hello Poland!

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