Friday, March 1, 2013

Purim In Israel!

This past weekend was four days of non-stop Purim celebrating. It's safe to say that I am absolutely EXHAUSTED.
The weekend started on Friday due to the fact that I spent Thursday night doing homework (I'm such a good student). But then I went to Tel Aviv on Friday morning to go to a street party! There was a whole street that was completely closed off and it was overflowing with people. There was food, DJs and people in costumes everywhere. People in Israel really get creative for Purim, I was impressed! My roommates and I like to call our room that cave (because we use it as a sort of escape to get away from the craziness of Year Course) and so the four of us dressed up as cave women!!! It was such a cute costume!!! It was a really fun experience to go to this party and almost all of us saw someone we knew because Israel is really such a small country. It felt like the whole country was at that one party! I stayed with my cousin that night and went to my first house party at this mansion in Rishpon. I dressed up as a giraffe :) Friday was a looooong and fun filled day and that was just the start of the weekend.

IDF Soldier with horns.....

Haredi Soldier:

On Saturday, my friend Hannah and I walked around Tel Aviv just soaking in Shabbat and Purim. Tel Aviv is so beautiful and it is so fun to just walk around and see people sitting in coffee shops. It's a lovely atmosphere! 
Whenever I am at my grandparents I watch Israeli cable and there is one show in Hebrew that I always watch. When I was walking around with Hannah, I saw an actress from that show and I felt very Israeli for recognizing her!

DELICIOUS pasta yummm!

That night, Hannah and I headed back to Jerusalem for a concert by a very famous Israeli rap group, Hadag Nachash!!! This night, I dressed up as a cowgirl! The concert happened to be a five minute walk from where I live which was very convenient and it was so much fun! I also ran into a camper from my sleep away camp back home. The concert was so much fun and I knew a lot of the songs even though I don't listen to them that much. It was a great night at an amazing concert with all of my closest friends :)

On Sunday, my section had a purim costume party and then we went to a Megilla reading. All of my friends and I dressed up together as participants on Birthright, the free 10 day trip to Israel. This means, running shorts, hat, backpack, nametag, sunscreen etc. So much fun! And then that night I dressed up as a year course participant for a night out on the town!

Last event of the weekend was another concert! This time was Balkan Beat Box. I had never heard of them before coming to Israel but they're an interesting band that sings in English, Arabic and Hebrew. I only knew one song and it didn't even matter I still had a great time! I dressed up as myself though because I ran out of costumes :p

Purim in Israel, there's nothing like it!!!!

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