Friday, October 5, 2012

Ein Gedi!!!!

I have been living in Arad for a little over a month now and I have finally gone to Ein Gedi. I have been here before with my family but it was soooooo long ago that this trip was something that I was really looking forward to!!! For those of you who don't know what Ein Gedi is.... it's a humongous nature reserve full of amazing wildlife and animals. We saw deer and a bunch of other animals that no one could identify. The best part about it is all the waterfalls, pools and springs that are located there. At least twenty or thirty year coursers were all in this one pool with our madricha frantically taking pictures of everyone while also trying to keep all of the cameras dry. The whole park is full of people swimming in the refreshing pools and it is just the most gorgeous setting especially with the dead sea in the background....
I had so much fun at this park with all of my friends from year course and even though we were only there for an hour it was still pretty amazing!!! I am definitely going to come back so I can go to the higher pools and really take my time.

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