Today my section and I went to go visit the local Glass Museum that is here in Arad. We started out with about a half hour walk to the museum and my friends and I were having such an amazing time blasting country music!!!
when we got to the glass museum we were immediately mesmerized by how beautiful the sculptures were.... The artist sculpts glass in such a unique way that every single piece of art is special and has more than meets the eye...
What was super cool about the sculptures was that in order to catch the effect the audience needs to walk by it and the effect won't work if you stand in place. An example of an effect is glass that is a concave surface but it looks like the back of a woman's body... SO COOL!!! I was so impressed by the artwork ecause each piece looked so well done and very well thought out.
After the tour, we got to meet up with the Israeli Scouts that are living in Arad for their own gap year before they go off to the army. I already knew these guys because they volunteer at the middle school with me! They are really great and they lead a program about the army which is ironic since they haven't been in the army yet...
After our program we had time to explore the artist quarters and hang out. Our night ended with an amazing hour of zumba!!! I had so much fun because it reminded me of israeli dancing but on crack :) It was super fun and all of the yearcoursers were super into it!!!
Our night ended with a tshirt that symbolized all of the different youth groups in Arad getting together for programming and dancing!
All in all it was a great day!
oh and I can't forget to mention that I am officially moving into the apartment I wanted! And I am so happy that they kept me and Sarah together... Can't wait to be all moved into my new apartment with Sarah, Aviva, Emma, Leora, Frances and Rivka!!!!
Gotta go pack!
you can also see the place where the prophet Muhammad ascended. דילים לחול ברגע האחרון