Saturday, September 22, 2012

Biking in the Negev

Now my dad will be very proud when he reads this because I went on a bike ride with my friends!!! Yes that's right I rode my bike all around the deserts of Arad and we even saw some camels!!!! This was a nice relaxed bike ride with my friends and it was cut a bit short because we didn't want to get lost since we were all girls and didn't have a counselor or anything with us. But it doesn't matter!!! I had lots of fun and I was thinking of my dad the whole time :) I love you Aba!!!


  1. The scenery is amazing and you do look beautiful even with cycling gear.
    I wish we could be there now riding with you and your friends.
    Some day we surely will.
    Gmar Chatima Tova

    Love Aba and ima
