Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sukkot Weekend!

Every single night this weekend was an adventure. I spent this weekend with yearcoursers, family, second family and even my camp friends!!! I won't go into detail of every second of my weekend but I will say this.....
When I was staying with my family and my family friends' apartments, I was so grateful for everything they did for me. Because I can't drive and have a limited money supply my family and friends were helping me out in so many ways and it really felt like I was home. It's people like this that remind me how selfless some people really are. I mean my family friend is best friends with my parents, not me. But he still did everything in his power to make sure I had a great weekend and for that I am forever grateful :)
On another note I had a great weekend going out with my "older brother" asaf because I don't see him very much :/ I also was reunited with camp friends that I had not seen for at least a year!!!!!! Reunions are amazing :)
I'm happy :)

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