Friday, January 18, 2013

Political Debate!

On Wednesday night a bunch of my friends and I went to the the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem (the biggest synagogue in Israel!) to watch a political debate!!! For those of you who don't know, this upcoming Tuesday     is the election day in Israel for new members of the Israeli Parliament (The Knesset). This debate was specifically for Olim (people that have made Aliyah) so it was all in English!

The debate began with each party member stating their party's platform in 5 minutes. The parties participating were Likud/Beiteinu, Hatnua, Yesh Atid, Labor, The Bayit Yehudi, Shas, and Meretz. This debate was very interesting because I got to hear about all the parties ideas. For example some are religious, some secular. Some are for the two state solution, some aren't and etc. I'm really happy that I went and got information. Also this is a really unique experience. Next Tuesday is going to be a national holiday for elections. I wonder who's gonna win!

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