Friday, January 11, 2013


For any of you Californians out there reading my blog, I don't have to tell you how exciting it is to see snow fall!!!! Now its not like I've never seen snow... my family lived in Maryland for a year in 2000-2001. It's now 2013 and the first time I have seen real snow since.
It all started on Wednesday afternoon. We all got out of our classes for the day and we walk outside the classrooms and it begins to snow!!! Everyone runs out side and immediately starts throwing snowballs (this includes our wonderful madrichot as well obviously). Most people weren't that excited due to the large amount of people on my section from the Northeast :p We were told that if it continues to snow the next day, school would be cancelled due to the closed roads (teachers can't arrive). So we were all totally praying for a snow day (my first one!!).

And what do you know? We woke up to a text from our madricha telling us that classes were cancelled!!!!!! MY FIRST SNOW DAY!!! so exciting :)

As I was getting ready to go out and play with the snow which was EVERYWHERE, a bunch of boys from my section stormed into my apartment waking everyone up and throwing snow in our faces..... NOT OKAY. Well I had to retaliate so I went outside and about 20 of us had a snowball fight for like an hour outside. Honestly I was on cloud nine it was so fun! I love snow!!!! (I was a huge target because everyone knows that I'm from California)

After that, my friends and I decided to revisit the tayelet (lookout point) close to our apartment and check out Jerusalem covered with snow!!! Although I don't have snow shoes and my feet were soaking wet the beautiful view was so worth it!! (The stupid male teenagers pelting me with snowballs weren't though....


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