Sunday, May 5, 2013

Camping Trip to Sde Boker

For the weekend, a group of my friends and I decided to go camping in the south at a beautiful National Park called Sde Boker (home to the first prime minister David Ben Gurion). With lots of food, tents, and games, we set out to enjoy a beautiful overnight in the negev. When we arrived, we had to trek down a very steep hill with all of our things (thankfully no injuries). We plopped down the first place we found and OF COURSE once we set everything up, we were told to go to the actual camping area. So we carried the open tents over to the grounds and everyone around us laughed and laughed. We passed the time by walking around looking at the beautiful surroundings and playing games such as cards and lots of backgammon (duh). Later that night, a group of guys invited us to eat with them. They gave us homemade pita and delicious poyke. "Poyke" is a stew that has a bunch of random food in it and somehow it tastes amazing. For example, this stew had coke, beer, vegetables, chicken, rice and a bunch of other things. It was soooo good!!!
We went to bed early so that we could wake up at like 5 in the morning to watch the sunrise. We got up, hiked to the top of a mountain and waited for the sun to come up. It was such a nice moment to sit with six of my closest friends soaking in the gorgeous views around us. Sde Boker is actually so beautiful. We spent the rest of our time exploring and hiking. When it was finally time to go back to the bus stop, we had to go up the hill which was actual death. And then we visited Ben Gurion's grave as well. We were SO lucky because it started to pour just as we were on our way to the bus stop. Yay us :) I'm so happy that we did this and for all the hater throughout our trip that asked why we were all girls, SCREW YOU girls like this kind of stuff too

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