Sunday, May 12, 2013

Snorkeling and a beautiful weekend in Haifa!

According to some ancient Jewish tradition, there are certain snails that can be found in the sea that are used to create the blue ink found on Talits. Yearcourse provided us with an opportunity to go snorkeling for these snails at a kibbutz next to Zichron and we all jumped on the chance! So we got to this kibbutz and learned all about the history of these snails. Then they showed us how the dye is made from snails that have already been found. We had to mix the "snail blood" with all of these chemicals and once we soaked the wool and put it in the sun, it became blue. The whole thing felt like a third grade science project....

We then got the chance to go snorkeling to looking for the snails but it is illegal to take them according to Israeli law so we just found them and put them back. It was a gorgeous beach and really nice water to snorkel in though!

After this exciting day, I got a chance to go home with one of the scouts on my program who lives in a beautiful city in the north called Tivon. There, I had a yummy lunch and hung out with her and another scout. She took me to her old scout "shevet" and showed me around and introduced me to all of her friends. We then went to a gorgeous overlook and from the point you can see Afula, Haifa, Alonei Abba and Beit Lechem Haglilit. SO BEAUTIFUL. The north really takes my breath away.

From there, my friend drove me to Haifa where I was staying with some friends at an old counselor's house. We had a lovely Shabbat dinner and then had a girls night out on the town in Haifa! I also got to see a friend from camp this summer who lives in Haifa and that was really fun. The next morning we had brunch on the beach and laid out all day! We then made a stop the the Technion which is the university that my dad went to! I was so excited and made sure to take a picture in front of the architecture building. Yay!!!


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