Saturday, May 18, 2013

Yaarot Menashe Music Festival!

After a fun night in Beer Sheva for the Glow Run, about 40 yearcoursers from my section and the others went to an awesome music festival called Yaarot Menashe! From Friday to Saturday, we camped out in the woods and listened to awesome music. The festival was located in the north at a kibbutz called Ramot Menashe near Afula. A bunch of us had also attended InD Negev which was back in October, but I enjoyed this one better.
Just the fact that this festival was in a forest was SO cool! The whole area was surrounded by trees and beautiful views of the North. There were three stages so that means that there was always a choice of what band to listen to. I didn't really know most of the music that was playing but it didn't even matter! There were so many different kinds from electronic to rap to rock! And on Friday night, Hadag Nachash performed (my second time seeing them)! I had so much fun hanging out with my friends and even got to see a few camp friends as well. I love the atmosphere at music festivals because everyone there is so chill and just there to have a good time listening to great music.

Hopefully the next music festival I will be at is Coachella 2014 ;)

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